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JUNE 2021

New Moon = June 10th | Full Moon = June 24th

Approaching us all in the month of June is subtle light energy from other planets reflected off the moon. The month of June brings laughter, joy and excitement. A time where the energy integrates toward unity and compassion. With the summer season approaching, we welcome warmth and the light. Our June list features Chani Nicholas, Jessica Ourisman, the acknowledgement of Father's Day & more.



Chani Nicholas She offers one of our favorite weekly horoscope newsletters, for free! She has a best selling book, free birth chart and an app. “Being witnessed is essential to our humanity, our growth, and our ability to move past the trauma that we have survived. If astrology does its job, it offers a mirror in which we see both our best selves and our growth edges.” -Chani Nicholas


What Makes a Dad, a Dad

What Makes a Dad, a Dad Goop Podcast episode from 2019, still a favorite and one we reference this time of year.


Pocoa Poco

Pocoa Poco in Oaxaca, artist residency, gallery, home. These photos of their home feel so warm & lovely.


Highly Sensitive People & Leadership

Forbes article about Highly Sensitive People & Leadership. An interesting conversation, worth the ten minute read.


What is Breathwork?

Harper’s Bazaar contributor Jessica Ourisman explores breathwork in the age of COVID
